After Chennai Express, Shah Rukh Khan and Rohit Shetty are coming back together in a new film that will go on floor on March 4. The film is reportedly a remake of Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi and Rohit has managed to rope in Kajol opposite Shah Rukh for the film.
Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon will also be seen in the lead roles.But wait this is not it! Apparently, 17 big-ticket actors are expected to share screen space with these actors in the film. And not just for a song or special appearance."The only thing we are keeping under the wraps is the title of the film, which will have 17 actors in all." "I am old-school that way, maybe. I believe in documents and the paperwork to happen first.
It needs to be signed first before we talk about it. We should not announce it just because we had a talk about it with certain people and are keen to have them on board", he told in a press conference.Rohit Shetty will block Christmas for the film's release as all other big dates of 2015 are already taken. If that happens, his film with clash with other two big budget films, Imtiaz Ali's Tamasha and Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Bajirao Mastani.
Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon will also be seen in the lead roles.But wait this is not it! Apparently, 17 big-ticket actors are expected to share screen space with these actors in the film. And not just for a song or special appearance."The only thing we are keeping under the wraps is the title of the film, which will have 17 actors in all." "I am old-school that way, maybe. I believe in documents and the paperwork to happen first.
It needs to be signed first before we talk about it. We should not announce it just because we had a talk about it with certain people and are keen to have them on board", he told in a press conference.Rohit Shetty will block Christmas for the film's release as all other big dates of 2015 are already taken. If that happens, his film with clash with other two big budget films, Imtiaz Ali's Tamasha and Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Bajirao Mastani.
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